Low Dose Radiotherapy for Plantar Fasciitis Relief

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the bottom of the feet. Pain is caused by inflammation or swelling of the plantar fascia, a strong band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the base of the toes. Some people may experience pain all over the bottom of their foot, while others experience it mostly in the heel, where the fascia connects. Traditional treatments include rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and wearing supportive shoes or shoe inserts. In some more extreme cases, steroid injections may be used as treatment. However, these methods may not be effective for everyone. Thankfully, there’s another option: low-dose radiotherapy for plantar fasciitis.

While radiation treatment for plantar fasciitis may not be the first treatment to come to mind, radiation therapy has been used for almost 100 years in Europe and the US to treat inflammatory conditions. For people who have tried every other method to treat their foot pain, low-dose radiotherapy for plantar fasciitis may be the solution.

Plantar Fasciitis

How it Works

As the name indicates, low-dose radiotherapy for plantar fasciitis uses very low doses of radiation for treatment. Low-dose radiotherapy has been shown to decrease inflammation, which is key to reducing foot pain. It works by lowering the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body and preventing inflammatory cells from rushing to the feet. It also decreases the sensitivity of pain receptors in the body.

At Northwest Cancer Clinic, patients usually receive two treatments per week for three weeks. Treatments take just a few minutes and patients can go about the rest of their day. While no side effects have been reported, it’s possible that patients can experience skin dryness in the area receiving treatment.

Radiation Treatments vs. Steroid Injections

Steroid injections are often recommended for patients who have not been able to find relief from pain with more traditional methods. For some patients, steroid injections may get rid of pain indefinitely, but on average, most patients only experience pain relief for 3-6 months.

Radiation treatment for plantar fasciitis has proven to be much more effective for long-lasting relief from foot pain. On average, 83% of patients who received low-dose radiotherapy for plantar fasciitis experienced a huge reduction in pain after just 6 weeks of treatment. Over half of patients reported their pain was completely gone. For the majority of patients, relief from foot pain lasted around six years.

Why Choose Radiotherapy for Plantar Fasciitis

Foot pain can be extremely debilitating. It not only prevents people from participating in activities they love, but it can also negatively affect day-to-day life. For people who have tried to treat plantar fasciitis with traditional methods for several months but are still experiencing pain, low-dose radiotherapy for plantar fasciitis may be the answer.

Radiation treatment for plantar fasciitis is non-invasive, safe, and most importantly, effective. There are no reported side effects from receiving this treatment, and promising studies show it can relieve foot pain for years.

People shouldn’t have to live with debilitating foot pain. While there is technically no cure for plantar fasciitis, low-dose radiotherapy is an effective treatment that can dramatically reduce and even completely eliminate pain. Dr. Juno Choe has over 15 years of experience in providing radiation treatments, and he and the compassionate staff at Northwest Cancer Clinic are ready to help patients improve their quality of life by reducing foot pain with radiation treatment for plantar fasciitis.